This gorgeous Inn built in 1904 was the location of PI-NE's presentation to include paranormal sessions in the bedrooms and haunted tunnel tours. There was a sighting of an apparition of a woman in black period dress in the lobby, a young girl peek over a bed, plus a little boy "Charlie", both in bedroom #5. There were also equipment responses in rooms 2, 5 and 6 including one EVP response to 'how old are you?' with an audio recorder response of "53". This "53" was also a response captured in the tunnel along with other personal experiences. With so much rich history and being newly reopened after two years of closure, it appears the spirits were ready for us. Haunted, but all positive and welcoming. Great place to book a stay, breathe in its history, romantic decor and quite possibly have a story of your own to take home as a momento.
Hartness House, Springfield, VT
Hartness House, Springfield, VT

Bokan Ford, St Albans, VT
Bokan Ford, St Albans, VT
It was built in the 1990's, employees have reported paranormal activity mainly on the second floor. There were more personal experiences than physical responses during investigation, although the lights did turn on/off on their own. One investigator saw a dark human shape figure walking in the hallway and white mist moving across the ceiling. Cigar or pipe smoke was detected. Another investigator saw a non human figure crawling on the floor. It was an active area, but did not want to play with our equipment.

The Baladerry Inn, Gettysburg, PA
The Baladerry Inn, Gettysburg, PA
Not only an incredible place to stay in Gettysburg but it is confirmed haunted by PI-NE team members. This Inn is well known to have spirits in and on its grounds. Investigator Kevin witnessed an apparition of a woman and not only that she called him by name! Talk about a very personal experience! Another team member had 2 soldiers visit her in her room in the night. EVP's galore in the sitting room! Highly recommend for a complete paranormal experience and the best breakfast in the area! Team is revisiting in 2021 to experience it again.

Battlegrounds, Gettysburg, PA
Battlegrounds, Gettysburg, PA
The Battle of Gettysburg is drenched in courage, heroism and the tragic loss of life of 3,100 soldiers. The PI-NE team traveled to investigate the grounds, notable historic locations and to pay homage to those served. The trip left us speechless as we experienced apparitions in a prior war hospital that is now "The Baladerry Inn", and on the battlegrounds, along with capturing astonishing EVP's. Well worth taking the time away from normal investigations and step back in history for a few days and to imagine what it must have been in Civil War times.
It was an unforgettable trip so much so the team is returning 2021.

Isle La Motte, VT
Isle La Motte, VT
Isle La Motte has been added to our 'Places Investigated' section because it's an area in general that we keep continue to hear stories of the occult, land and water beasts and/or heavy spirit activity by numerous sources. The island was formed 480 million years ago as a reef during the Ordovician Period in a shallow tropical sea, (near where Zimbabwe is today). The island draws you in to its beauty and the moment you are there you can feel a shift as the trees sway lightly with the air and a sense of mystery and for some, uncomfortableness. Could it be the geology, heavy limestone, being surrounded by water, European Military Fort history or long rumored seekers and gathers of occult that has affected this area? Our team has made many journeys to abandoned locations and secret hidden areas that people have spoke to us only in whispered tones. If you have any stories, information to share with us about Isle La Motte please go to the Contact tab section and send us an email, we would really like to hear from you.

Bobby Mackey's
Bobby Mackey's
Two PI-NE team members had the incredible opportunity of investigating the famous haunted bar, Bobby Mackey's in Wilder, KY. This establishment has a torrid history of mob ownership, hangings, shootings and suicides. Please, if you have a chance go to this place and get the experience for yourself. We walked away bewildered by strange noises, a rock thrown at one investigator and EVP's later retrieved which called the portal to hell as a 'wishing well' twice on audio.

Waverly Hills Sanatorium
Waverly Hills Sanatorium
PI-NE team members traveled to Louisville, KY, joining up with other TAPS Family Members to investigate this expansive old facility. Opened in 1910, as a hospital for tuberculosis patients and has been called one of the most haunted places on earth. We could feel the eeriness as we traveled from room-to-room, floor by floor. There are plans to turn it into a hotel and conference center but currently offering tours, so go now and experience for yourself as this era is part of our American history.

Star 92.9 Radio Station
Star 92.9 Radio Station
Our PI-NE team member, Mike Czarny co-host of Star 92.9 Radio, along with his co-workers have had many paranormal experiences at the Colchester, VT radio station. Our team has investigated this location multiple times and experienced many personal unexplained occurrences and EVP's. Have you ever seen a heavy metal fan fly across the room or have lights just turn on? PI-NE did! Yes, it's that haunted! (They all appear to be friendly and like the Mike and Mary show for sure.)

Swanton Library
Swanton Library
Over the years a number of Swanton Library members have reported unusual activity happening here. Reportedly a rocking chair moving, ghost children and disembodied voices have all been witessed. When PI-NE had an open event and investigation for the public many of those attended felt someone or better yet, 'something' touch their hair in the attic. Using electronic devices attendees also discovered some unusual activity in many of the other rooms. PI-NE followed up with a private investigation that produced substantial evidence that there are many paranormal energies at the library. This beautiful building has a lot of history and it's not surprising that ghosts echo it's past here. Take a trip in and see if you can feel the healthy dose of spirits yourself!

Adirondack History Center Museum
Adirondack History Center Museum
Route 9 & Hand Ave.
Elizabethtown, NY
On the evening PI-NE conducted the actual investigation no personal or unexplained events were experienced by the team. PI-NE was taken by surprise when it came to our audio review as we received various noises, gasps, laughing and even a 'hell yeah' on different devices. We believe the voices and unexplained noises captured on audio recorders are enough to form the opinion that the museum does have some type of paranormal activity occurring. It goes to show who or 'what' is in charge of how we receive our evidence.

Jericho Community Center
Jericho Community Center
329 Browns Trace Road,
Jericho , VT 05465
During a search of anonymous reports on the web of paranormal activity in Vermont, PI-NE came across a statement that the Jericho Community Center (JCC) was haunted. Reports were that there were creaks (footsteps) on the floorboards along with the sound of metal chairs being moved. JCC was kind enough to let PI-NE check out the facts for themselves. After a thorough investigation and review it was determined that this eclectic and charming building has no evidence of paranormal activity.

Hubbardton Battlefield
Hubbardton Battlefield
5696 Monument Hill Rd, Hubbardton, VT 05732
Hubbardton Battlefield is a historic site at the intersection of St. John and Monument Hill Roads in Hubbardton, Vermont. The Battle of Hubbardton was the only Revolutionary War battle fought in Vermont. British soldiers stormed the area chasing the American soldiers south. The British General who led the fight later wrote that Vermonters were the "most active and rebellious race on the continent". Apparitions and civil war sounds have been seen and echoed on the ground to this day by visitors and workers alike. PI-NE set out to investigate this sacred area in hopes of capturing some of this evidence.
The team set out at dusk and stayed late into the evening listening, watching and trying to imagine how such beautiful land such as this was once a war zone. To us on this particular fall night, it remained calm and peaceful. We have no doubt since such tragedy occurred here the remnants and cries of the fallen soldiers more than likely, will and do exist.

USS Salem
USS Salem
Quincy, MA
Both divisions of PI-NE, Vermont branch being led by Jeff Stewart and MA branch being led by Anthony Lamberti geared up for a one of a kind adventure aboard the USS Salem. The USS Salem was commission in 1949 and served a 10 year career as flagship of the US Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean and the Second Fleet in the Atlantic. The 717-foot long ship is reportedly haunted as volunteers and crew members claim they've seen full-bodied apparitions and heard voices throughout the vessel.
The evening was a fantastic experience as many members experienced various odd activity throughout the evening. If you are intrigued, you should be aware that for a fee this vessel can be booked for your own event for an extreme ghost hunting experience. PI-NE is returning May 2019 for a re-investigation!

Haskell Opera House
Haskell Opera House
93 Caswell Avenue
Derby Line, VT 05830, USA
1 Church Street
Stansted, QC J0B 3E2, Canada
Haskell Opera House was constructed deliberately astride the boundary line separating Canada from the United States. This remarkable institution has attracted visitors from around the world and Paranormal Investigators of New England were thrilled when given the opportunity to do an investigation.
The Haskell has been classified a historic site by the governments of Canada, the United States, and the Province of Quebec and has been embedded with many years of tales of a reoccurring 'phantom of the opera'. Reports of black shadows, noises, voices and physically touching people were reported through the years. PI-NE investigated and did indeed come back with some curious findings of strange reported knocks near the stage along with dragging sounds. Enough evidence came back that was unexplained that it heightens our level of curiosity, and lends itself to perhaps a second investigation.

Ethan Allen Homestead
Ethan Allen Homestead
Burlington, VT
We were honored to be able to investigate the home of our own Revolutionary War hero located in Burlington, VT, Ethan Allen. There have been stories passed down through time of odd occurrences on the premises and we were privileged to be able to interview with past and present employees who were/are charge of taking care of the homestead as a seasonal tourist attraction. The tales of people seeing a magnificent white horse appearing in the area (Ethan Allen swore he would be coming back as a white stallion) and the hearing of footsteps in the home along with other abnormalities were intriguing to say the least. We did have one member have some unusual readings on our K2 meter (a device for revealing electrical disturbances) in response to some questions and another member hearing footsteps while in the home. We cannot admit to seeing the spirit of Ethan Allen himself but definitely would be honored to return to re-investigate to such an inspiring area and perhaps capture a sight of the stallion.

Wilson Castle
Wilson Castle
West Proctor Road
Proctor, VT
We report that after an extensive review of the video and audio, the 32 rooms did not reveal any paranormal activity on this particular night although between the prior reported strange occurrences from the owner and an ambiance that just screams 'haunted castle' we are indeed hoping for a re-investigation. We all know spirits will not show on demand as much as we would like them to and that is why we will sometimes go back and repeat an investigation. It was a pleasure to be able to explore this magnificent location.

Sasquatch Sighting
Sasquatch Sighting
Westford, VT
Still currently classified as an ongoing investigation and probably one of the mostly exciting investigations we have had to date. This case originally had started as a residential haunting case and quickly turned into much more after the discovery of many tracks and other pertinent evidence found near the home.

Saint Michaels College Sloane Hall
Saint Michaels College Sloane Hall
One Winooski Park
Colchester, VT
Many colleges throughout Vermont are said to have paranormal activity and St. Michael's College is not to be excluded.
During the summer of 2009 as the students returned to their homes, PI-NE embarked into Sloan Hall to see if they could get schooled by those who have passed on. Several team member's had different experiences such as catching a shadow pass by and a strange static field in the cafeteria along with footsteps caught on audio in the coal chute room by two different recording devices. Several members noted the coal chute area along with the old shower room definitely had a strange, eerie feel to them. All in all, the determination was made that with what evidence was collected that the case remains inconclusive and warrants further investigation.

Barlow Street School
Barlow Street School
39 Barlow St
Saint Albans, VT
Word had it apparitions would appear in the window, and the same window refused to remain shut even when nailed down. Eerie sounds could be heard. Could this all be from the Janitor that died of heart attack is the girls restroom?
We investigated Barlow Street School because of the rumors that it was haunted. We used all of our equipment digital voice recorders, digital camera, hi-8 video recorder, 35 mm camera. We took our time with each room asking questions to try and get EVP’s and that is exactly what we got. We had asked the janitor if he knew he was dead and what came out of the recorder was bone chilling “I’m still breathing”. "Haunted!"

Shelburne Art Center
Shelburne Art Center
54 Falls Rd
Shelburne, VT
Shelburne Art Center was previously known as the Shelburne Library. Reports were of books being stacked as a serpentine style stair case, windows opening and closing, and full blown male apparition. Armed with our equipment, we began to investigate the Arts Center (now referred to as the Shelburne Museum) with hopes that the activity remained. Unfortunately with all the time we investigate this wonderful place we do not believe this place has any activity.

Panda Inn
Panda Inn
(Business demolished now a Kinney Drugs)
308 Shelburne Rd
Burlington, VT
Late 1990's a former business partner committed a double homicide with a gun. He shot and killed a husband and wife who were his associates. With this tragedy you might assume a haunting might take place. We heard this place was going to be torn down and without thinking twice we decided to investigate.
Going in with all of our equipment we set up and investigated for hours. Upon review we had just one questionable EVP which sounded like a gun shot and plates breaking like someone was falling but upon closer examination we found that this EVP was in fact a friendly raccoon making his presence known.

Barre Opera House
Barre Opera House
12 N Main St
Barre, VT
Strange noises and props moving were reported at this location. In 1898 the Opera house was burned down (unclear if there were any fatalities) and again in 1944 this once lively place shut down due to the creation of a more modern movie theater being built.
After the reports were made to one of our members, a group decision was made to check out this location. With our equipment consisting of digital cameras, hand-held equipment and DVR System we set out to find what those noises were and why these props were not staying where they belonged. Upon hours of investigating and reviewing this majestic building we found the Opera House to be peaceful the particular evening we investigated. We are still open to the possibilities!

Old Stage Coach Inn
Old Stage Coach Inn
18 N Main St
Waterbury, VT
During the 1920's- '40's, the Old Stagecoach Inn was the private residence of a wealthy socialite, Margaret Spencer. In 1947, Margaret died at the age of 98, in her beloved home in her own bedroom, which is now room 2.
We were able to investigate this historic Inn with all our various equipment. We were not letting anything get past us on this investigation. After at least 8 hours of investigating and 3am in the morning it was time to get some shut eye. Upon review of our evidence it was apparent Ms. Margaret Spencer did not want to make herself known that night.

Emily's Bridge
Emily's Bridge
Covered Bridge Rd
Stowe, VT
For years reports of light, noises, scratch(s) on cars abound.
Regardless of what story people tell, the one fact they have in common is that a lonely love forsaken women still haunts the bridge. We set out with our hand tools digital camera, hi-8, voice recorders. We have investigated this bridge a couple of times hoping to get even the smallest of evidence. To our disappointment this investigation conclusion has to be this bridge does not have activity.

Back Inn Time
Back Inn Time
68 Fairfield St
Saint Albans, VT
As you enter the Back Inn Time in St. Albans, Vermont you are greeted by the spectacular staircase which invites you to enter into each level of the home. Incredible woodwork, architecture and craftsmanship are evident in every room and must be seen to be appreciated. This isn’t the only thing you will find here as stories have it that previous guests have seen apparitions of a woman in white in the garden, and various sounds including hearing sounds of a horse and buggy. PI-NE set up a night to investigate. We used a wide variety of equipment which included a DVR system, Hi-8 video recorder, digital and analog recorders and digital cameras. As we spent the night many of our investigator’s did not sleep well between hearing noises beyond the door to having unusual dreams. Upon our review of all our evidence it is apparent we did not leave empty handed between the EVP'S and video evidence obtained. We had no choice but to say that this Victorian house does have paranormal activity. PI-NE later went on to have an investigation that was open to the public and the evening turned out to be a great success. One PI-NE investigator had a closet door slam shut on him with no explanation leaving us further to strengthen our belief that it is haunted.

Ricker Basin
Ricker Basin
3444 Little River Rd
Waterbury, VT
This abandoned town is deep inside the woods and Its existence begins to fade as the years go by. No reports were ever made that these woods or even the town was haunted but there is the question on why this town no longer exists.
Using our hand tools we hiked up and up and up to get to this abandoned town. As we walked around there were graveyards and broken down buildings and most buildings except the one pictured was left for rubble. Although we would have like to have seen something paranormal, this place is exactly what it is, an abandoned town.

Portsmouth Light House
Portsmouth Light House
Elwyn Rd
Portsmouth, NH
PI-NE, Granite State Paranormal, and Scared grouped together investigate this remarkable lighthouse. It has been said that several members of the coast guard have heard strange noises while in this light house. Some feel that the light house is haunted by many spirits and one name that continually sticks out Josh Card an old keeper from the 1800’s. We conducted an all-science investigation of the historic lighthouse and fort.

Mount Washington Resort
Mount Washington Resort
Route 302
Bretton Woods, NH
Granite State Paranormal and PI-NE join together to investigate the Mount Washington Resort.
With reports of apparitions to lights flicking on and off repeatedly, even reports of employees taking pictures to find that a faint image of a women in the back ground, we did not want to miss out on this investigation. It is thought that Carolyn Stickney aka "The Princess". It is said she returns to her room known now as the Princess Lounge where her four poster maple bed still remains. With a wide variety of equipment from both groups there was not a place we could not cover. Our equipment was doubled with 2 DVR’s, a wide range of recorders for voice and video, and EMF readers. In the end our group came out empty but our neighboring group did come out with a few EVP'S to share. Even though our group came out empty it was far from disappointing with how breath taking this resort truly was.

Freetown State Forest
Freetown State Forest
Slab Bridge Rd
Assonet, MA
Deep in the woods you may find yourself seeing an apparition or hear eerie noises close or far away. Each step you take deeper in to the woods seems to get darker, colder, and a little more uneasy. Is it true on what they say about these woods? Are they really haunted? Does or did Bigfoot really exist?
Of course PI-NE set out to investigate. With just our hand tools (digital cameras, video and voice recorders, and our EMF meter) and of course a little bug spray, we started our journey through the woods. With many hours of walking through mud, deep grass and watching out for poison ivy we ended our journey and set out to review what we had for evidence. There was of course crackling of sticks breaking but we cannot be sure if that was us or a known animal. There were no foot prints beyond out knowledge or anything we could not explain. Our journey ended with nothing to show except some muddy shoes and a few bites from the brave insects.

Hoosac Tunnel
Hoosac Tunnel
North Adams, MA
Some may know this tunnel as "The Bloody Pit" when 175 workers lives ended in this location. Reports of voices, strange shapes, and a dim light are just some tales that have been told of this tunnel. We once again, set out to investigate. With the tunnel having no electrical outlets only hand tools where used (digital camera, hi-8, video recorder, and digital voice recorders). It was wet, dark, and very cold inside. The further we got the more weary we became. At then end of our investigation we reviewed our evidence we revealed a couple of EVP'S. Just being in the tunnel itself is nearly enough for someone to get that creepy feeling.

Lizzie Borden
Lizzie Borden
230 Second St
Fall River, MA
Did Lizzie Borden do it? Most who are into the paranormal have heard the name Lizzie Borden House at least once.
Investigated by many groups PI-NE had finally got our chance utilizing our DVR, K2 meter, audio recorder’s, video recorders, tri-field meter, and digital cameras. We investigated each room with equal amounts of time and took our time to gather evidence and see if we could be one of the luckier groups to leave with evidence that would make even a skeptic scratch his or her head. Though we had few things to share on our nightly stay at this well known home it was indeed a memorable evening overall.

Vermont College
Vermont College
36 College Street
Montpelier, VT 05602
The building housing the Vermont College of Fine Arts (previously known as the Montpelier Seminary) is nestled on a hill overlooking Montpelier, VT has been in existence since 1834. It has been long rumored to have a spirit called Anna who roamed the college building. Many people who work in the building have felt and firmly believe in the ghost's existence.
PI-NE investigators partnered up with another local paranormal team, Hometown Paranormal, to explore what may behind these beliefs. Both teams were thrilled to have the honor to explore such a historic landmark. What investigators found were diverse readings on the second floor chapel area. In the basement, a flash light and vibration detector were triggered and a shadow was observed in the center hallway and what sounded like footsteps of a child that ran up to one of the investigators only to stop directly in front of her. It would be safe to come to the conclusion that the place has some residual living history.